Enhancement of role of universities in transfer of innovations into enterprise
Aims of UnIvEnt
- Strengthening of role of universities in transfer of innovations into enterprise and entrepreneurship;
- Bringing of a “Science-education-production” triangle to a higher level through organization of activity Center of Transfer of Innovation (CTI);
- Organization of the training process, considering the needs and requirements of enterprises and entrepreneurs.
Project objectives
- Establishment of CTIs at universities of partner countries;
- Creation of the project web-site;
- Creation of innovation data-base in the project web-site;
- Conducting trainings of entrepreneurs on finding and application of innovations in their businesses.
Current project achievements
- Rooms for CTIs are assigned and equipped with project equipment in all universities of partner countries;
- Training program for entrepreneurs are elaborated ;
- Project partners’ (Germany, Spain, Portugal, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan) meeting was carried out in Leipzig (Leipzig universities of applied sciences), where directions of further activity was identified;
- Participation of innovational projects of Ferghana State University (FSU) and Ferghana Polytechnic Institute (FPI) in republican innovation fair “Innovational ideas, technologies and projects”, in April 13-15, 2011 was financed by the UnIvEnt project;
- Model of innovation transfer at University of Alicante (Spain) was learnt during May 17-30, 2011;
- Conference for Opening of CTI at Nakhchivan State University (Azerbaijan) was organized on November 3-7, 2011;
- Creation and maintenance of the project web-site is in progress ;
- Interest of the enterprises to innovations is being studied;
- Opening of the CTIs at FSU and FPI was organized in December 22, 2011;
- Field-monitoring of UnIvEnt project was implemented by National Tempus Office-Uzbekistan in December 22-23, 2011.